Tuesday, January 31, 2023

My Conspiracy Theory About the Prague-Meeting Hoax -- Part 8

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7


Christopher Steele's first publicly known Dossier report mentioning Michael Cohen is Report 2016/134, dated October 18, 2016.

A month before that -- in September 2016 -- Fusion GPS's interest in Cohen "changed". Fusion GPS itself began investigating Cohen and -- according to the company's owners Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, in their book Crime in Progress -- soon learned the following suspicious facts about Cohen (pages 234, 237):

* Cohen had been involved in an unsuccessful project to develop a Trump Hotel in the Republic of Georgia.

* Cohen had "sponsored mixed martial arts [MMA] events with Russian fighters under a Trump MMA brand".

* Cohen's father-in-law owned some taxi medallions in New York.

* Cohen himself "had built up significant taxi medallion holdings in New York City and Chicago".

* "The FBI believed that Soviet emigre taxi operators based in Brighton Beach and Chicago belonged to a loosely knit organized criminal community".

* Cohen had partnered ... with two ex-Soviet taxicab magnates ... one of whom had faced convictions assault, burglary and criminal possession of a weapon".

* Cohen had built up his taxi ventures while working as a personal-injury lawyer. ... His first boss in the business was arrested for bribery".

* "The taxi office Cohen worked in was run by a man named Simon Garber, a Ukrainian-American known as the Taxi King of New York. Several of Cohen's legal partners in Garber's company were disbarred foe filing false personal-injury cases against rival cab companies".

* "Cohen had registered medical companies for several Brighton Beach doctors who had then collectivley bilked Medicare for questionable medical claims".

* "Cohen was even on the paperwork for a taxi company in Russia".

*Cohen's father-in-law "had once admitted to a felony money-laundering charge".

*Cohen's "uncle Morton Levine owned a Brooklyn club and catering hall called El Caribe, notorious throughout the city as a mob hangout".

Based on these suspicious facts, Simpson and Fritsch asked Christopher Steele himself to investigate Cohen. The book says (emphasis added):

Fascinated by these strands, Fusion [i.e. Simpson and Fritsch] asked Steel in the fall of 2016 to see whether Cohen rang any bells among his sources in Russia [e.g. "Kremlin insider" Olga Galkina]. On October 18, Steele filed a memo [Dossier Report 206/134] with the first mention of Cohen. .... Cohen was playing "a key role in the secret TRUMP campaign/Kremlin relationship." Steele didn't know much more than that.

Simpson's and Steele's theory was that when [Paul] Manfort resigned from the [Trump] campaign in August, Cohen likely became an important liaison for contacts with Russia. ...

At Fusion's urging, Steele kept pushing his sources [e.g. "Kremlin insider" Galkina] for more information on Cohen. Two days after the first memo [Dossier report] mentioning Cohen, he came back with more: In August, Cohen had held a secret meeting with "Kremlin officials" in Prague, Steele's source ["Kremlin insider" Galkina] said.

It was a stunning report. While there was no way to immediately verify Cohen's whereabouts, other aspects of the Prague reporting fit with [imaginary] information coming in at the time from [imaginary] independent sources. One of the Russians who Steele was at the meeting ran the Prague office of a Russian government cultural organization that the U.S. authorities believed was a front for Russian intelligence.

Of course, "Kremlin insider" Galkina, living in Cyprus, did not know anything at all about Cohen or about the Russian who ran the Prague office that US Intelligence "believed was a front for Russian intelligence". 

Of course, Galkina was told and paid by someone to tell Steele's "primary sub-source" that Cohen had met with that Russian in Prague. That "someone" knew that that particular Russian in Prague ran an office that was "a front for Russian intelligence".

I think that someone -- who put Galkina up to telling those lies -- was a member of a cabal of former and current US Intelligence officials who were helping Hillary Clinton to prepare an October Surprise that might be launched to help her defeat Trump in the 2016 election.


Galkina denies that she told those lies to Danchenko. She says Danchenko himself concocted the lies and then attributed them falsely to her.

However, John Durham indicted for telling various lies to the FBI, but he did not indict Danchenko for telling lies to the FBI about Galkina's role in the Prague-meeting hoax.  


Continued in Part 9

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