Monday, May 4, 2015

Johnson moved away from the police vehicle before Brown did

Stairwell Man watched the incident from the apartment building that stood directly east from Michael Brady's building. 

Stairwell Man began watching the incident when Darren Wilson stopped his vehicle initially to admonish Darren Johnson and Michael Brown to walk on the sidewalk. Wilson drove his vehicle backward and cut off their path. 

Stairwell Man was questioned the first time, on August 18, by two FBI special agents. He told this sequence of events:

He [Wilson] backed up, and they just had a confrontation. I seen them get into a scuffle at the truck. Then I heard a shot go off, and so the scuffle continued after the shot. Then the boy, Mike Brown, ran.
And the other boy [Johnson] ran and got behind a white car.
Then Mike Brown ran past the car and kept going down the street. 
The other boy, he ran around the car and went in another direction. 
The police then shot again and then ran down the street and shot. 
[Page 2]
Stairwell Man's sequence of events is almost completely correct. Only the two underlined items in the below list are in wrong order. 

1) The first gunshot was fired inside the police vehicle. 

2) Brown continued to scuffle. 

3) Brown ran away from the police vehicle. 

4) Meanwhile, Johnson ran to the white car's rear. 

5) Brown ran past the white car. 

6) Johnson ran around the white car, in a direction opposite from Brown's run. 

7) The second gunshot was fired inside the police vehicle. 

8) Wilson got out of the police vehicle and ran down the street.  

Red = Monte Carlo
Dark Blue = Police Vehicle
Light Blue = Wilson's path

Maroon = Johnson runs to Monte Carlo's back end
and then moves toward the front end as Wilson passes.
In other words, Johnson keeps the Monte Carlo
between himself and Wilson.
If I move items 4 and 6, then the sequence of events is correct. 

1) The first gunshot was fired inside the police vehicle. 

2) Brown continued to scuffle. 

3) Johnson ran to the white car's rear. 

4) Brown ran away from the police vehicle. 

5) Brown ran past the white car. 

6) The second gunshot was fired inside the police vehicle. 

7) Wilson got out of the police vehicle and ran down the street.   

8) Johnson ran around the white car, in a direction opposite from Brown's run. 

The last item in the list means that Johnson moved around to keep the Monte Carlo between himself and Wilson as Wilson passed the Monte Carlo. 


In Stairwell Man's testimony to the grand jury he clarified that Johnson began walking away "forward" -- east -- from the police vehicle while Brown stayed there, continuing the altercation, for a while longer.  

Prosecutor  Could you see what the smaller boy [Johnson] was doing?
Stairwell Man  He was like going forward [east] still. He was trying to get away from the altercation or what was going on with them. So he was walking forward a little bit. 
Prosecutor  When you say "forward", was he walking east a little bit? 
Stairwell Man  East, yes. 
Prosecutor  Let's go back now to where Mike Brown is standing next to the [police] truck. You said the shorter guy was kind of walking away from the ordeal? 
Stairwell Man  Right. 
Prosecutor  And then you said you heard a gunshot? 
Stairwell Man  Correct. 
[Pages 239 - 240]

Michael Brady described Johnson's position before the second gunshot as depicted below. 

Michael Brady's view of Johnson before the second gunshot.
Stairwell Man saw the same view from a different angle.
Stairwell Man saw, from a slightly different angle, Johnson in about the same position. From there, before the second gunshot, Johnson moved "forward" -- east -- back to the Monte Carlo.

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